Sustainability at SQO

Sustainability is important to us! We care about our environment and actively work for a greener future by implementing environmentally friendly choices and initiatives, both big and small. Read more about our sustainability work below.


We have 2300 square meters of solarpanels on a total of 11 roofs, which together produce 425 000 kWh per year. That’s a lot of electricity! It’s approximately the same as 212 apartments’ annual electricity consumption. We use the electricity from our solarpanels for property electricity in the form of ventilation and lighting, among other things.

The next step and the goal is for us to be able to store excess electricity in a battery container in order to use the self-produced electricity for longer periods of the day.

Charge your electric car

We have a total of 20 electric car chargers. About 150 000 kWh per year are charged on these, which corresponds to 142 tonnes of carbon dioxide if compared to fossil fuel for cars.

If you want to take your bicycle to SQO instead, we of course have many parking lots for these as well!


Our waste and recycling supplier is the global recycling group Remondis. They are active in 30 countries, which means that we as a customer get to take part in world-leading expertise as well as modern facilities with the latest technology. Remondis has a great focus on sustainability in everything they do, here you can read more about their work.

With the help of Remondis, we recycle 68.9% of all collected waste per year, that’s approx. 155,225 kg. 31.1% is energy extraction, which corresponds to 69 963 kg. Thanks to this, we make a CO2 saving of 65 193 kg, which can be compared to a car driving 8.3 times around the world.

We also recycle our restaurants’ used oil, which is approx. 200 liters of oil per year. Svensk fettåtervinning is a leading player in the field and they ensure that all our oil is recycled into raw material for the production of second-generation biofuels.


Our cleaning company is Di-er, a family-owned company with clear environmental goals. All cleaning staff at SQO are regularly trained in environmental issues. Machines, chemicals and cleaning equipment used are carefully selected, for example, many products are made from recycled plastic and our cleaning agents have the EU Ecolabel.


Did you know that much of what we humans eat is pollinated by bees? For example vegetables, fruit and nuts. Even flowers need pollinators, approx. 90% need this to survive. In other words, bees are extremely important for a healthy ecosystem. Therefore, we have placed two beehives at SQO to increase the biological diversity in the local area, this as the pollination of plants is promoted. The beehives come from Blomlöfs Bin, who with their expertise will take care of the beehives and make sure that the bees are well.


At SQO we have many beautiful flowers. We have chosen to collaborate with Hässelby Blommor, who are certified in accordance with the Swedish environmental base, an environmental management system that follows ISO 14001. Hässelby Blommor is audited every year by external actors, which ensures a constant high environmental standard.


It is important for us to meet the environmental requirements for properties and their management. Breeam In-Use is a reliable international environmental certification system that certifies existing buildings in Sweden as well as throughout the world. The purpose of these certifications is to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Several areas are assessed, including indoor environment, energy use and water consumption. These areas are then scored and are the basis for the grade level you end up at. SQO’s rating is very good. Read more about Breeam In-Use here.

Sustainable furniture

We try to always buy used furniture instead of new. By choosing used furniture, we save resources and minimize the carbon footprint in connection with production and transport. We simply give stylish, fully functional furniture a longer life, which reduces the demand for newly manufactured furniture.

In our Food Hall, almost all furnishings are second-hand. Nice, right?

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